
I was asked in an interview a few months back why I practise yoga. If I could go back in time, I would quote some lyrics by Patrick Watson.   Puts on a smile and breathes it in and breathes it out, he says, bye bye bye to all of the noise. Oh, he says, […]

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A man

I love this photo!  I look at it and see more than just a man on a bike with a lake in the background.  I see a man, alone, balancing.  A man on a bike witnessing a wild greater than himself; The large lake, the big blue sky, the never ending mountainous landscape, the tall evergreen trees and […]

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I’m an outdoorsy kinda guy! Love over packing my golden backpack full of just incase “Boy Scout” things, hopping on my steed and riding wherever my impulses guide me. Some days I end up a few blocks from home, while others I end up further than I ever imagined. Behind all of it, a desire […]

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I love exploring!! Always have and probably always will!! I’m curious kinda cat, if you know what I mean. When I come across a beach with rocks, like in the image above, I can’t help but turn over a few rocks to see all the life that lies underneath. Staring at all the little critters, […]

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