Riding my steed to yoga yesterday, I found myself blissing out, as I typically do on my bike. Cycling down a beautiful street through a tree tunnel, you know what I mean, I lifted my hands off the handle bar to take in that special freedom feeling. Well … something didn’t feel right!  An impulse to grasp my handle bars took over and thanks to meditation and yoga, I’ve learned to listen. I immediately placed my hands back and waited two Mississippi’s before the bike stopped. It had taken its last breath!

Sigh … I will miss her! She served me very well!

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I’m an outdoorsy kinda guy! Love over packing my golden backpack full of just incase “Boy Scout” things, hopping on my steed and riding wherever my impulses guide me. Some days I end up a few blocks from home, while others I end up further than I ever imagined. Behind all of it, a desire to see, hear, taste, smell and touch this planet. It’s such a vibrant beautiful place that my desire to witness and experience everything and anything that comes across my path, is painfully addicting. My name is Ben and I’m an addict! Im a junkie for exploring life and all its offerings!

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